General conditions
Cancellation hotel room
0 - 14 days before arrival, 100% of the amount in summer
0 - 30 days before arrival, 100% of the amount in winter
30 days or more before arrival, no cancellation charge
Cancellation Apartments Chalet Nicoletta
0 - 30 days before arrival 100% of the booking value
up to 31 days before arrival there are no cancellation costs
Secured by credit card or bank transfer
On receipt of the booking we charge 30% of the total amount
Pets are not allowed
Visitor's tax
Visitor's tax of CHF 7.00 adults and CHF 3.50 children (6-16 years) per night is not included.
Visitor's tax of CHF 4.50 adults and CHF 2.25 children (6-16 years) per night are not included.